
Yen-Ping Hsueh

Principal investigator

EMBO Global Investigator

EMBO Young Investigator

Yen-Ping Hsueh received her undergraduate (2001) and master’s (2003) degrees from National Taiwan University where she majored in Plant Pathology and Microbiology. In 2003, she joined Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology at Duke University and conducted her graduate work on the genetics and evolution of the sexual cycle and the mating-type locus of the human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans under the mentorship of Dr. Joseph Heitman. In 2010, she moved to Caltech and joined Dr. Paul Sternberg’s group as a postdoctoral fellow to study the predator-prey interactions between the nematode-trapping fungi and C. elegans. In 2015, Ping returned to Taiwan and established her independent laboratory at IMB, Academia Sinica. The Hsueh lab studies the predatory-prey interactions between carnivorous fungi and C. elegans and is broadly interested in diverse questions in Biology. We employ multidisciplinary approaches that include genetics, genomics, imaging analyses, computational biology, and biochemistry to address diverse questions of interest in our unique predator-prey systems.

Group photos


Guillermo Vidal-Diez de Ulzurrun 葛林墨

Postdoctoral fellow

Use mathematics to measure and classify nematode-trapping fungi.

Rebecca Jessica Tay 鄭秀峰

Postdoctoral fellow

Chih-Yen Kuo 郭芷嫣

Postdoctoral fellow

I work on the identification of fungal receptors responsible for nematode-sensing in the nematode-trapping fungi.

Han-Wen Chang 張瀚文

Ph.D. student, TIGP Molecular & Cell Biology Program

I am interested in trapping interaction between the nematodes and fungus. Use the power of forward genetic screening to reveal the trapping mechanism of the fungus.

Tsung-Yu Huang 黃孮每育

Ph.D. student, TIGP Molecular & Cell Biology Program

I am interested in the roles of nutrient-sensing in nematode predation in Arthrobotrys oligospora.

Yi-Yun Lee 李宜芸

Ph.D. student, TIGP Molecular & Cell Biology Program

I work on the molecular mechanisms of how do the oyster mushrooms kill nematodes and identify the nematicidal compounds in the specialized structure of Pleurotus mushroom.

Sheng-Chian Juan 阮聖茜

Ph.D. student, TIGP Molecular & Cell Biology Program

I am interested in nitrogen-sensing and uptake in nematode-trapping fungi.

Tzu-Hsiang Lin 林子翔

Master student, Genome & System Biology Degree Program, NTU

I am interested in how prey C. elegans response to predator A. oligospora, and the coevolution between two predator-prey species, from gene to cell to circuit to behavior.

Yun-Zhen Zhou 周筠臻

Research assistant

I am interested in how nematode-trapping fungi catch nematodes by trap.

Hung-Che Lin 林宏澤

Research assistant

I am interested in how nematode-trapping fungi sense the namatodes and form traps.

Ching-Ting Yang 楊景婷

Lab manager

I manage the reagents, ordering, etc. I also work on nematodes and nematode-trapping fungi wild isolated.

Former members

Current Status

Tomoyo Iizuka 飯塚朋代
2022.11-2024.5 (Postdoctoral fellow)
Postdoctoral fellow, Genome Diversity Laboratory, National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Shizuoka, Japan
Ching-Han Lee 李京翰
2015.11-2022.9 (Research assistant, Ph.D. student and Postdoctoral fellow)
Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Biology, New York University, US
Chia-En Tsai 蔡佳恩
2021 Fall (MCB rotation student)
Ph.D. student, TIGP Molecular & Cell Biology Program
Yu-Hsun Huang 黃榆薫
2020.8-2021.7 (Research assistant)
Sheng-An Chen 陳聖安
2017.9-2021.6 (Research assistant)
Ph.D. student, program of Biology, Duke university
Pedro Gonçalves 佩德洛
 2019.3-2020.11(Postdoctoral fellow)
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, National Cheng Kung University
Ching-Wen Chang 張晴雯
2017.5-2020.1 (Master student and Research assistant)
Senior engineer, Department of Quality Control Engineering, Win Semiconductors Corp.
Chiang Yu-Shi 陳雨詩
2016.10-2018.3 (Research assistant)
Siou-Ying Lin 林修穎
2017 Fall (MCB rotation student)
Chen-Kuo Lai 賴政國
 2017 Spring (GSB rotation student)