子翔、筠臻畢業了!Mark and Popo graduated with a master’s degree!


Mark是在2020年的夏天以summer student大學一年級的身份加入實驗室的,中間經過了學士畢業,到現在碩士畢業了!今年九月他將成為德國University of Tübingen的Ph.D.學生,我們恭喜他!

Popo是在2022年寒假以winter student的身份加入實驗室的,同年暑假開始攻讀碩士學位,這兩年實驗成果豐碩,也順利取得碩士學位了!


Congratulations to Mark and Popo on earning their master’s degrees!

Mark joined the lab in the summer of 2020 as a first-year university student. Since then, he has graduated with a bachelor’s degree and now a master’s degree! This September, he will become a Ph.D. student at the University of Tübingen in Germany. We congratulate him on this achievement!

Popo joined the lab during the winter break of 2022 as a winter student. She began her master’s studies that summer and has achieved significant experimental results over the past two years, successfully earning her master’s degree!

Congratulations to these two outstanding students 🙂
